Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Business Section front page!

We were featured in the Commercial Appeal business section this morning, introducing our Confections line and mentioning our collaboration with Memphis artist Amy Hutcheson.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pre Holiday Sale going on NOW!

Throughout the month of November we will have everything in the store on sale. This is a great time to stock up on gifts and goodies for the holiday season!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Shara's Paperie in the Memphis Commercial Appeal

We were featured in a local shopping article about the popularity of personalized gifts this holiday season! Examples from our Confections line were shown and mentioned as great gifts for almost anyone.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Shara's Paperie featured in Ines del Mar Weddings

We have just been featured in Ines del Mar's Fall/Winter issue. The themes Fire, Earth, and Water are showcased with coordinating invitations.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Shara’s Paperie introduces...

Shara’s Paperie announced this week the broad availability of Confections, a new line of invitations, holiday cards and paper accessories created by the company’s design staff. The line begins with a holiday album that features over 50 original designs with a variety of holiday themes. The wide range of designs includes personal and family photo greeting cards as well as cards suitable for corporate clients. A second Confections album will be released in the beginning of October filled with calling cards, labels, gift tags and other paper accessories.

"We’ve always focused on delivering design expertise in our customized invitations, stationery and holiday cards for clients. So the decision to release our own line was a natural expansion," said Shara Danziger, founder and owner of Shara’s Paperie. According to Danziger, the designs within the line will suit a wide variety of tastes. "Each of our designers has different preferences, which coupled with our broad customer experiences allows us to create gorgeous cards that we, ourselves, would be excited to receive. Some are elaborate, some are simple, but all are beautiful." Another important aspect of the line is the short turnaround time that is available. The client can place the order and have it ready for pick up within a few days. Danziger goes on to say; "we understand how busy our clients are and having a quick turn around takes that into consideration. Moreover our cutoff date for the holiday album is also significantly later then most. What this means for our clients is that they can order their holiday greetings up to December 31st."

Long-time Shara’s Paperie customer Johnetta Blakeley was among the first to place an order for the new line. "The various card designs are really fabulous. I was so excited when Shara showed me the ‘early version’ of the Confections album, that I couldn’t wait for the official announcement…I’ve already placed my order!"

Confections cards can be found at Shara’s Paperie, which is located in East Memphis in the Orleans Place shopping center. Prices range from $1.75 to $3.25 per card and volume discounts apply for large orders. To see a sampling of the Confections as well as other designs by Shara’s Paperie, please visit

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shara was recently featured in the Commercial Appeal! Article below.

Text mightier than pen
Contest seeks to boost recognition for value of good handwriting
By Nikki Bussey (Contact), Memphis Commercial AppealThursday, July 17, 2008
In a world dominated by typing and texting, it may seem like old forms of communication are disappearing.
Carole Foster of Bartlett is doing what she can to make sure that doesn't happen by sponsoring a contest that judges penmanship.
"Right now, there are a lot of people who can't read handwriting because they don't write," Foster said. "It's such a personal way of communication. People don't send letters of communication anymore. They just e-mail and text each other."
The Handwriting Contest was created in 2003, when Foster received more than 100 entries. But in 2006, only 10 people submitted sentences.
Deadline for entries is Aug. 1. The top 25 will be displayed at the Delta Fair and Music Festival at Agricenter International Aug. 29-Sept. 7.
"It's just a skill that people really need," Foster said. "I am doing what I can to bring awareness that it's a skill worth having."
In years past, students were taught handwriting extensively, but Foster said teachers are now so busy preparing for tests, they just don't have the time to teach it the way they used to.
"I've heard for 15 years handwriting is dying," said Steve Graham, professor of education at Vanderbilt University.
Graham says texting, typing and instant messaging have created other bad habits, such as poor spelling and bad grammar.
Graham said he sees this new technology as a challenge, but also as a way to increase the amount of writing in the world.
"If it is here to stay, I'm happy kids are communicating, but they need to know when they can use it," he said.
Carly Culbertson, Carolinas-Tennessee public relations manager for Verizon Wireless, said texting is gaining popularity because it's more discrete than taking a phone call and is faster than a letter.
"I still think its great to get a letter in the mail, but I do think we have become a society where we want an instant reaction," Culbertson said. "To some degree it's kind of fun. It gives you that instantaneous lift."
Shara Danziger, owner of Shara's Paperie, said she hasn't noticed a decrease in sales at her store, but rather a rising interest in making sure "Thank You" notes and invitations are sent.
"People are almost backlashing against the messaging and e-mails," she said. "There are so many events you don't want to see in a text message. You don't want to announce the birth of your baby in an e-mail."
Danziger said wedding and graduation invitations, baby announcements and shower invitations are all still important to customers.
"Here in the South, I think, manners and etiquette, to do things 'the right way,' is important," she said.
Mary Ruth Colvin, owner of Just Write, said she doesn't think e-mail will ever replace handwritten letters and notes.
"You read it, delete, and it's gone," Colvin said. "Writing a thank-you note, you know the person sat down and took the time to make it."
-- Nikki Bussey: 529-2609
Pick up a pen
To register for the Handwriting Contest, go to and click on "Contests." Scroll down to "Crafts, Culinary, Collectibles" and go to the page for the Handwriting contest guidelines.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Shara's Paperie is proud to announce...

...our feature in the Fall issue of The Bride and Bloom! Our work in full color. Shown is a booklet-style wedding suite in a black and white retro floral pattern, complete with Save the Date, invitation, RSVP postcard, and table placecard.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Big Things are Happening!

Today Shara's Paperie went LIVE on, please become our friend and get the skinny on sales and announcements! We will keep our page updated and feature new items regularly.

We have also redesigned our logo to welcome in the expansion of our business - we are proud to announce the release of our own line, Confections by Shara's Paperie. The line will be introduced this holiday season with a large selection of photo cards, imprintables, gift tags and labels. Confections is all created by the designers on staff at Shara's Paperie.

Shara's Paperie is also announcing the birth of Paperie Prints. Design and printing options specifically for small businesses and individuals. Check back soon to hear all the the mean time please call the shop to find out how you can use Paperie Prints.

And finally, we are in the midst of Shara's Summer Sale. We've marked down stationery, papers, notepads, gifts, etc. from $1! Please drop by and check it out; every $50 purchase of sale merchandise receives a grab bag full of more stuff.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Shara's Paperie in the press!

We are proud to be featured in Greetings, etc. Magazine, the leading trade publication for invitations and stationery. The article contains photos of the store, an interview with Shara, and details on our website.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Wedding Tips

Tips For Ordering Your Wedding Stationery

Early planning is the key to a perfectly smooth wedding. At Shara’s Paperie, we have guidelines to help you plan your invitations and stationery for the big day. They are guidelines, not rules, and they suggest time periods to perform the tasks so important to a well organized wedding.
- 6 or more Months before the Wedding
Formal/Informal Wedding
Guest List/Addresses
Location and Date
Send Save-the-Date

- 4 to 6 Months before the Wedding
Order Invitations
Thank You Notes
Book Calligrapher
Choose Favors

- 2 to 4 Months before the Wedding
Mail Invitations – The rule of thumb on invitations is mailing them 4 to 6 weeks before the wedding. However, today there are so many destination weddings which require early registration of guests. This leads many brides to mail invitations earlier than normal, especially if they are not sending a save-the-date.

Write Thank You Notes – It is helpful to write out your thank you notes as your gifts arrive, this will save time after the wedding. Etiquette dictates that they only be sent after the wedding, you shouldn't use notes with your married name or monogram on them until after the wedding!

- 2 to 4 Weeks before the Wedding
Order Programs – We can design your wedding program with as much flair and information as you wish. It’s much easier to get it exactly like you want if you do it early enough. We can also do itinerary programs for events at destination weddings or the in town weekend events of the wedding.

Address Announcements – Address your announcements but only mail them after the wedding.

Order Escort or Place Cards