Thursday, January 28, 2010

Writing Thank You Notes

Thank you notes are probably one of the most overlooked forms of communication today. It’s easy to thank someone for a gift by shooting them a quick email or posting a message on their Facebook wall. But the reality is a warm, personalized, handwritten thank you note, regardless how short, really lets the recipient know how much you appreciate them. Thank you notes should not only be used when receiving gifts, but following a job interview, as condolence cards and when someone has expressed hospitality (like letting you stay at their house).

Most people struggle with what they should write in their thank you notes when really it’s quite easy. It is not necessary to write a long, drawn out message when four simple sentences will do. First greet your gift giver using their name. Secondly, express your gratitude and discuss how you will use the gift. Then mention how nice it was to see them. And lastly give them a final thank you.

For example:
Dear Amy,

Thank you so much for the personalized water bottle. I can’t wait to show it off at my spin class next week. It was great seeing you at my birthday party and I hope to see you again soon. Thanks again for your gift.

With Love,

That’s all there is to it! The only hard part is trying to decide what stationery to use. Shara’s Paperie has a lot of options for you to choose from including Confections by Shara’s Paperie, Whitney English and Boatman Geller. It’s a good idea to stay away from full sized sheets since your message will be short, flat and folded notes are best. You can find the design that fits your style and have it personalized with your name or monogram.

Come by Shara’s Paperie to find the stationery that’s right for you. You can also go to the Confections website,

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Spring has Sprung at Shara’s Paperie

I know it’s still January and we have a few more months of winter, but at Shara’s Paperie it feels like spring! This time of year the store becomes a revolving door for brides looking for wedding invitations…otherwise known as wedding season. Luckily the Shara’s Paperie design team is ready for wedding season and has created several new wedding invitations. Brides can also coordinate their invitations, save-the-dates, thank you notes, programs and menus with our new designs.

Visit our Inspiration Gallery to see all of our wedding invitations including the new designs!