Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jingle Bells in June

My past few blog entries have been about summertime, because, well it is summertime! But today I thought I would share what is really going through the minds of the Shara's Paperie team…Christmas!

I know it sounds crazy, especially since here in Memphis it’s been close to 100 degrees almost every day, but the holiday season is all we can think about. And there is a good reason for that.

In our world, we have to be 4-6 months ahead so we can meet our production and print deadlines. So while most people are enjoying the summer heat and hanging by the pool, we are thinking about snow, Santa and hot chocolate.

So when Christmas time does get here, we’ll be thinking about cookouts and pool parties…we are always a few seasons ahead!

Enjoy this sneak peek into our newest holiday collection.

Don't forget to check our Facebook page every day for our secret sale!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

News from Shara's Paperie!

It’s been an exciting week for Confections and Shara's Paperie. First we started working on a new personalized gift that we will be introducing very soon. The prototype came in and it’s even more amazing then we expected. We aren’t quite ready to share all of the juicy details yet, but check back very soon!
The second bit of exciting news for the week is that we received this wonderful email from a client who ordered one of our cutting boards.

Hello! Just wanted to write and let you know that we love the cutting board. Thank you for offering something that is cute and modern! We ordered it to use in the top of a bookshelf my dad was making for my daughter. It is now done, and I thought you'd like to see how it came out. There is even a light under the cutting board -- it looks cool at night!

We love hearing from our clients and we were so pleased that Sherri took the time to show us what creative idea she had. What a great idea!

I also wanted to use this blog post to share some upcoming news with you, if you are not Facebook friends with us, you should be! Next week Shara’s Paperie will have a special item on sale everyday! But the only way to know what item is by checking our Facebook page. Click on the button below to become our friend.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Are you ready for summer?

Summer officially started last week with Memorial Day. Pools are now open, temperatures are scorching (at least here in Memphis) and kids everywhere are celebrating.

Longer summer days mean fun family cookouts and pool parties with friends. But are you ready for it all? Let Confections by Shara's Paperie help you have a great summer.

While you are relaxing by the pool watching the kids play an intense game of marco polo, you can enjoy a nice drink from your Confections personalized water bottle.

And as the smell of bar-be-que fills the air, you can use your Confections Cutting Board to display appetizers like fresh fruit, cheeses, or veggies and dips.

Since we are in Memphis we thought it would be appropriate to share one of our favorite bar-be-que recipes with you. Let us know what you think!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Importance of Color

Take a minute and look around the room. What do you see? No matter what it is, you should see color. We are surrounded every day by color, whether it’s the paint on the walls around us or the flowers and trees outside.

Today I wanted to share this video about Pantone. Pantone, Inc is the world-renowned authority on color. For more than 45 years, Pantone has been inspiring design professionals (including us) with products, services and leading technology for the colorful exploration and expression of creativity.

One of the biggest themes I noticed from this inside look at Pantone is that color conveys feelings and emotions. Because of this it plays an incredibly important role in design, whether its fashion, interior design, graphic design or of course stationery.

Check out the video 360° Color: A Peek Inside Pantone for a closer look. After you watch the video look around our site to see how we use Pantone’s colors as inspiration in our designs.