Sunday, August 1, 2010

Please and Thank You

On a recent vacation we stopped by the Henry Ford Museum in Michigan where I came across this sign…
It made me think about the importance of manners, courtesy and etiquette even in today’s “modern world”.

One of the most overlooked forms of communication today are handwritten thank you notes. It's easy to thank someone for a gift by shooting them a quick email or posting a message on their Facebook wall. But the reality is a warm, personalized, handwritten thank you note, regardless how short, really lets the recipient know how much you appreciate them. Thank you notes should not only be used when receiving gifts, but following a job interview, as condolence cards and when someone has expressed hospitality, like letting you stay at their house.
Hostess gifs are also a great way to thank someone for having you over, whether for a dinner party or a weekend stay. Unfortunately a lot of people are so busy they don’t think about hostess gifts and thank you notes. Confections has an amazing assortment of custom gifts for every occasion.

Take a look around the Confections website and don’t forget to find us on Facebook and Twitter!

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