I am lucky, really lucky. Every year on the middle of May I get to travel from my home in Memphis, TN to New York City and attend the National Stationery Show. The only show devoted to buyers and sellers of paper, and we all know I LOVE PAPER. The way it feels, smells, looks and the significance it adds to an event. This trade show is something that I look forward to every year. In the world today of texts, emails, Iphones, etc there is nothing like getting somethinng wonderful in the mail. Be it an invitation, greeting card or thank you note. It leaves a mark, a memory and a keepsake for the receiver. And let's face it, you cannot frame a text message.
The Stationery Show this year was covered by the New York Times. A fabulous article on why paper is so important today. Check out the article at http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/05/19/when-its-important-its-paper/.
Happy Reading Everyone!